Our annual convention attracts many nursing students, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. As one of the biggest nursing student conventions in the country, it is a great event for exposure as well as recruitment for future nurses. The exhibitor hall is a primary attraction at convention, with over 40 different exhibitors showcasing different aspects of nursing.
Five Top Reasons to Exhibit at the NJNS Convention
New Jersey Nursing Students, Inc. (NJNS), the state constituent of the National Student Nurses’ Association (NSNA), represents over 1,500 pre-licensure nursing students in associate degree, baccalaureate, diploma, and masters-entry nursing programs and communicates with the 47 NJ nursing schools.
Over 1,000 nursing students attend convention and seek:
​future employment as RNs, internships, and residencies;
uniforms, shoes, and nursing products;
books and exam review products;
academic progression, RN to BSN/MSN and higher degrees;
learning tools such as apps and electronic media.
The exhibit hall is scheduled to allow maximum attendance time by attendees.
Exhibitors build brand recognition and attract future employees, students and customers!
NJNS attendees will inspire and give hope for the future of nursing!
NJNS is also accepting applications for advertisements in our program book!
Choose between several options, including:
Back Cover Page
Inside Back Cover Page
Inside Front Cover Page
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
For sponsors, NJNS will provide complimentary publicity and recognition in the convention program, on our website, and in our post-convention newsletter, the Pulsebeat, which is sent to all New Jersey nursing students statewide.
The exhibitor fee is waived for sponsorships of $5,000 or more!
If you are an exhibitor and a sponsor, your exhibit booth will be in a prime location.
Donations received by February 1, 2025 are guaranteed recognition in the convention program.
Information regarding focus sessions is posted below for review:
All speakers volunteer their time.
Focus sessions are on February 20, 2025, and are 50 minutes in length.
Time preference for focus sessions will be taken into consideration; however, it is not guaranteed.
Rooms will be equipped with a podium, podium microphone, projector, and screen.
Speakers must provide their own laptop, projector adapter for MAC laptops, and wireless microphone.
Please submit the form by February 1, 2025.