NJNS is a pre-professional organization that can pave the way for your involvement in graduate organizations such as the New Jersey State Nurses Association (NJSNA) and the New Jersey League for Nursing (NJLN) that further promote professional standards, codes, and ethics. Upon becoming a professional nurse, it is expected of each NSNA/NJNS member to go on and join the American Nurses Association, as well as his/her professional specialty organization.
Professional organizations have a significant impact on changes and by participating, we can make a difference in the career we pursue. The NJNS Board of Directors urges you all to consider joining the executive board of NJNS for the 2023-2024 year and contribute to the advancement of your student body. During the convention, all of the board positions will be open to any member who is interested in running; you do not need to be a delegate to run for a position. The responsibilities of these executive board positions are listed in our Bylaws and Policy Book. Please read them carefully before selecting the position for which you would like to run.
The positions are:
First Vice President
Second Vice President
Pulsebeat Editor/Public Relations Director
Membership/Nominations Director
Population and Global Health Director
Breakthrough to Nursing Director
Health Policy and Advocacy Director
Resolutions Director
Fundraising Director
As a board member of NJNS, you will gain experience in leading the success of the organization and its members. Board positions provide opportunities to network with professionals, grow personally, promote membership, and mentor future leaders. To be an NJNS officer, you must be prepared to dedicate the time and attention the organization requires for it to succeed and grow. Board members must attend meetings on the second Saturday of each month from 10 AM to 2 PM in Trenton, NJ or virtual meetings according to COVID-19 precautions. This experience will help you find leadership opportunities in your own professional endeavors.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact an NJNS board members as listed on Board of Directors.
Nominations are open to all members of NJNS (not limited to delegates).
Candidates shall be nominated from the House of Delegates (HOD) floor by a delegate. Nominees must be present at the HOD meeting in order to accept the nomination.
Nominations can be made at any HOD meeting (Feb. 16th or Feb 17th, 2023).
On Thursday, candidates will have the opportunity to address the HOD. Elections will follow.
No candidate may run for two positions
Members may also choose to run as write-in candidates. These candidates will not have the opportunity to prepare a speech or appear on the election ballot.
The nomination/elections process can also be found in the Bylaws.
Please refer back to the Bylaws for further information.
Winners will be announced during our virtual First Night Party.