NSNA Membership
How much are membership dues?
New membership for one year costs $40.
Renewal membership for one year costs $45.
New or renewal membership for two years costs $80.
The National Student Nurses Association is the parent organization of the New Jersey Nursing Students. Inc.
By becoming a member of NSNA and attending an accredited nursing school in the state of New Jersey,
you are also a member of the state nurses association, which is NJNS.
To take it one step further, if your nursing school has a chapter within NSNA, you are also a member of your local school chapter's nursing student association.
Simply put, national membership will give you state and school membership (as applicable).
What is the difference between NSNA and NJNS?
Do I need to pay dues to NJNS or my school chapter?
State dues are included in the national dues. Therefore, you will not need to make a separate payment to NJNS.
School chapter may or may not choose to have dues. Please check with your respective chapter for more information regarding this.