Who We Are: NJNS
What is NJNS?
New Jersey Nursing Students, Inc.
The New Jersey Nursing Students, Inc. (NJNS) is the state constituent of the National Student Nurses Association (NSNA). The NSNA is a pre-professional organization dedicated to fostering the professional growth of nursing students around the country. This nation-wide organization is essentially the student nurse equivalent to the American Nurses Association (ANA).
NJNS's mission aligns with that of the NSNA and include to:
bring together and mentor students preparing for initial licensure as registered nurses, as well as those enrolled in baccalaureate completion programs;
convey the standards and ethics of the nursing profession;
promote development of the skills that students will need as responsible and accountable members of the nursing profession;
advocate for high quality, evidence-based, affordable and accessible health care;
advocate for and contribute to advances in nursing education; and
develop nursing students who are prepared to lead the profession in the future.
NJNS's Board of Directors is made up of 12 nursing students who are elected at the organization's annual convention. Two non-voting consultants are appointed by the New Jersey State Nurses Association (NJSNA) and the New Jersey League for Nursing (NJLN). Two non-voting presidential advisors are also appointed to the board, along with an organization manager.
Over 1,000 nursing students participate in NJNS' Annual Convention, which features leadership and career development activities, opportunities to listen to renowned nursing leaders, hear about job opportunities and the chance to network with hundreds of other students. The program also includes a state board exam mini review.
NJNS also holds another meeting, earlier in the year: the Council of School Participants (COSP) offers similar presentations that are found in the annual convention. Focusing on three essential and relevant nursing topics, COSP gives students a taste of what to expect at the upcoming annual convention.